4500’ Yancey NC/High Country WX
The transition from this blog site to a website is coming soon. Reasoning is easier access for you the reader. Also to me makes it look professional. This wouldn’t be possible if it wasn’t for the loyal supporters. I’m by no means a writer so my blogs are more a hit down thoughts and stats type but I’m working on getting better at this for you. Also even thou my social media following in the past year since I started to give updates and such for my area has went to thousands across a couple platforms I will be scaling back likely on that. I’m not leaving social media or anything as of now it’s just I want to give everyone a one stop place to see everything or a direct east links to see videos. Subscribe to my YouTube will be another way to view videos as I’m trying to really grow that platform. Just know I truly appreciate everyone. I wouldn’t be doing the updates without your all support.
Share/Retweet these blogs are much appreciated. Goal for this blog is to show what a micro climate can do.
Excited to announce NC/TN High Country WX has a store online now.
Go check it out! Can do some custom stuff as well.
4500’ Yancey NC Information ⬇️
Current Conditions: Mist
50 days total this season with snow on ground
January 1 To February 7 Stats
Since Jan 1
38.75” Snow
Biggest Contributors
Jan 12-14 Event
Jan 25-26 Event
6.76”Liquid Precipitation
AVG High Temperature 31F
AVG Low Temperature 25F
Current Advisories: ⬇️
High wind warning
Wind advisory
4500’ Yancey NC Information) ⬇️
Temp Right Now 45F
High Temperature 46F
Low Temperature 36F
Today Rainfall 0.18”
Today Snowfall 0”
Several measurements are in protected areas from blowing snow.Totals are the minimum measurement I find.
Month to date rainfall 0.87”
January Rainfall 6.25
Season Snowfall 59.50”
2021-2022 Snow season total 94.1”
Highest Temperature 83F Hot Springs NC 2019
Lowest Temperature -17F Highlands NC 1895
Greatest Rainfall 4.10” Raleigh NC 2020
Greatest Snowfall 20.5” Lexington NC 1905
Social Media:
Twitter NCTNHighCountry
TikTok nctnhighcountrywx
YouTube NC TN High Country WX
Instagram NC/TN High Country WX
Email: nctnhighcountrywx@gmail.com
Madison Yancey Mitchell Avery Watauga Ashe
Unicoi Carter Johnson
Areas above 4000’
Tips are always appreciated as that helps fund chasing weather events and future upgrades in equipment. Anything given I’m very grateful for. Most importantly I appreciate everyone who follows along. Makes it more fun when others getting involved.
Thank you all for the continued support! If you enjoy this feel free to share.
Venmo @HK199321
Cash app $HK9321
PayPal @HK19932308
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