4500’ Yancey NC/High Country WX
4:40 pm
Want to start off this blog with a appreciation to all of you. Really love sharing this microclimate information but most importantly love interacting with you all. The other night a anonymous person made a very generous contribution to the weather fund. The funds that are given helps tremendously towards new equipment like weather stations/cameras/chasing/and lot more. I want to give as much information accurately as I possibly can especially for the high country areas that get barely any attention at all. Again I truly appreciate you all.
Share/Retweet these blogs are much appreciated. Goal for this blog is to show what a micro climate can do.
Excited to announce NC/TN High Country WX has a store online now. Couple items there now. Will be adding more in the coming days. Money goes weather items and adventures.
Go check it out!
4500’ Yancey NC Information
Current Conditions: overcast and drizzle. 10-15 mph winds
Current Advisory:
High Temperature 50F
Current Temperature 47F
Low Temperature 45F
Today Rainfall 0.47”
Monthly Rainfall 3.99”
Season Snowfall 0.30”
May 12.92” Rainfall
June 3.74” Rainfall
July 14.20” Rainfall
August 17.87” Rainfall
September 6.97” Rainfall
Total 59.78” Rainfall since May 1
2021-2022 Snow season total 94.1”
Here’s some extra stats for August that occurred.
Number of days 70F or higher 2 days.
Last 70F day or higher was 8/4/2022 with high of 72F.
Rainfall 17.87” makes rainiest month since recording data past 4 years here.
Here’s some fun stats for 4500’ Yancey NC 2022:
Avg high temperature for summer months 66F
Avg low temperature for summer months 57F
Highest temperature 74F
Lowest temperature 49F
If you haven’t checked out snow recap for 4500’ Yancey it’s available in the blog page. (2021-2022 Season)
More fun stats:
Snow Stats for past 3 snow seasons:
3 season Avg total snow 74.7”
Collective total 224.1”
Starting out upper 30’s.
High temperature mid 50’s
Morning fog with NW wind.
Highest Temp 90F Wadesboro NC 2017
Coldest Temp 14F Celo NC 1952
Greatest Rainfall 5.80” Lake Toxaway NC 2019
Greatest Snowfall 3” Marshall NC 2012
Social Media:
Twitter NCTNHighCountry
TikTok nctnhighcountrywx
YouTube NC TN High Country WX
Instagram NC/TN High Country WX
Email: nctnhighcountrywx@gmail.com
Madison Yancey Mitchell Avery Watauga Ashe
Unicoi Carter Johnson
Areas above 4000’
Tips will go towards upgrades and weather related items. Also wanting to make blog more user friendly for everyone. Blog May not be tweeted out every day so make sure you look at main page on blog spot.
Thank you all for the continued support! If you enjoy this feel free to share.
Venmo @HK199321
Cash app $HK9321
PayPal @HK19932308
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