4500’ Yancey NC/High Country WX
10/31/2022 4:40 pm Want to start off this blog with a appreciation to all of you. Really love sharing this microclimate information but most importantly love interacting with you all. The other night a anonymous person made a very generous contribution to the weather fund. The funds that are given helps tremendously towards new equipment like weather stations/cameras/chasing/and lot more. I want to give as much information accurately as I possibly can especially for the high country areas that get barely any attention at all. Again I truly appreciate you all. Share/ Retweet these blogs are much appreciated. Goal for this blog is to show what a micro climate can do. Excited to announce NC/TN High Country WX has a store online now. Couple items there now. Will be adding more in the coming days. Money goes weather items and adventures. Go check it out! https://www.bonfire.com/store/nctn-high-country-wx/ 4500’ Yancey NC Information Current...