4500’ Yancey NC
4500’ Yancey NC
4:00 PM 4/27/2022
After night of flurries we drop to low of 30F. All sun today with 5-10 mph wind with gust up to 20MPH . High today 47F. It feels amazing out today. Enjoy this while we have it.
Thursday Thru Saturday
Thursday: High low 50’s with low temperature mid 30’s. Sunny.
Friday:high around 50F. With low temperature in lower 40’s. Rain showers late.
Saturday: High around 55F with low temperature in the low 40’. Rain showers.
Looks to be pretty normal for this time of the year. Spring roller coaster will be coming to end so enjoy these great cool mornings. Trees are wanting to bud but I have noticed some bud die off. We are currently 1-3 weeks ahead of schedule with buds on trees so that will lead to a early green up. Usually end of May trees leaf out but as it looks now ,”cause of the summer like temperatures we will green up first to second week of May. Appreciate everyone support and hope everyone has great rest of there Wednesday.
Highest Temp 100F Lewiston NC 1990
Coldest Temp 20F Grandfather Mountain NC 1967
Greatest Rainfall 5.20” Edenton NC 1960
Greatest Snowfall 3” Sparta NC 1978
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Madison Yancey Mitchell Avery Watauga Ashe
Unicoi Carter Johnson
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