4500’ Yancey NC
4500’ Yancey NC
3/20/2022 4:15 PM
Winter still wants to show its muscle as first day of spring equinox is here. Light flurries stared last night and the early morning hours we had some good snow showers take shape as the NW wind was pushing thru. If this was January or February accumulation would have been more but half inch was welcomed. Started off the day at 27F but warmed up just a little to 36F. Winds have been gusty at times but not too crazy.
Week ahead warm afternoons after t cool mornings with chance of rain mid week. There’s no real warm up in near future and actually a possible cold snap coming end of week into the weekend. Will moisture be available? That will be the question but we have plenty of time to track that. But would definitely hold off on planting anything especially high Country folks. Unless you can wrap and cover the tender plants. My rule I go by for planting up here is mid to late May into June to plant anything tender.
Highest Temp 91F Louisburg NC 1948
Coldest Temp 3F Mt Mitchell 1981
Greatest Rainfall 4” Carthage NC 1965
Greatest Snowfall 8” Highlands NC 1915
Appreciate everyone support and hope everyone has a great rest of there Sunday. Make sure to follow and subscribe. Will be doing some stuff even in the snow off season that some may be interesting in.
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