4500’ Yancey NC/High Country WX
8 /31/2022 6:05PM Current Conditions: Mostly clear with few clouds High Temperature 65F Current Temperature 62F Low Temperature 49F Today Rainfall 0” Monthly Rainfall 17.87” May 12.92” Rainfall June 3.74” Rainfall July 14.20” Rainfall August 17.87” so far Total 48.73” Rainfall since May 1 2021-2022 Snow season total 94.1” 3/4months with 12” or more rainfall! If you haven’t checked out snow recap for 4500’ Yancey it’s available in the blog page. (2021-2022 Season) Forecast Thursday: High mid 60’s. With low temperature in the low 50’s. Nice day to end month. Fall Leaves: Color starting to show up in elevation due to cool nights and average to some below average high temperatures in the afternoon. Also time of the year when abscission process starts to occur. Basically shortened daylight hours causes reduction in chlorophyll causes this. Now for leaves changing color time frame. Right now a variety of tr...